GEDO présente : Filtres mobiles et charbon actif pour traitement de l'eau
Le Charbon Actif permet de traiter liquides et gaz afin d'éliminer des polluants. Utilisé seul ou en complément d'autres procédés de traitement. Il vous faut des FILTRES et du CHARBON.

Filtre GEPROMOBI 1000

  • en acier peint ou Inox (steel with coating or SS)
  • tuyaux HPDE ou Inox (piping HDPE or SS)
  • Ø 1250 mm - hauteur ±2300 mm(height)
  • ±1600 litres
  • poids vide ±600kg (weight empty)
  • quantité charbon sec ± 500kg ≈ 1,1m3 (filling dry A.C). (vessel shipping wt. ± 1100kg – dry. Shipping weight drained ±1500kg)
  • poids en charge ± 2.200kg. (weight operating water)
  • connexions Guillemin DN 50
    entréeau dessus (inlet at the top)
    sortie bas (type A) ou haut (type B)
    outlet at the bottom (type A) or at the top (type B)
  • débit max 12 m3/h (max. flow rate) .
    provide a siphon for efficient use of the filter (for type A)
  • pression max. 3 bar (max. pressure )

The GEPROMOBI 1000 is a compact mobile interchangeable activated carbon adsorption filter, specially developed for the treatment and purification of water and liquids. This mobile filter is adsorber and transport vessel in one.
This mobile container can be used on-site for industrial applications such as waste water treatment, groundwater remediation, treatment of leachate and also for the purification of chemicals, foods, drinking water, …
The GEPROMOBI 1000 is normally delivered pre-filled on site and can easily be moved by a forklift. The frame of the filter allows it to be placed on a flat and hard surface.
The filter is operated until saturation of the activated carbon. Once the activated carbon is saturated, the entire filter is replaced by another unit, filled with fresh carbon. This eliminates the need for spent activated carbon disposal by the user and minimizes manipulation and transport costs. Once the mobile filter is returned to factory, it is discharged of spent carbon, cleaned, checked and refilled with new carbon.
The GEPROMOBI 1000 comes complete with piping, valves and connections suitable for immediate connection to the stream to be treated. The filter is normally connected with flexible hosing and is used down-flow. The GEPROMOBI 1000 is used in a simple and economical way as single filter or in series or in parallel to treat liquids.

- applicable anywhere
- rapid and easy site installation, immediate start up
- available on a rental base, without investment cost
- a range of mobile filters are available for smaller and larger flows.
- no on-site carbon transfer
- efficient design (low pressure drop)

In addition to supplying activated carbon, the factory acts as a consultant / contractor for a full range of applications, equipment, filters and adsorbers (also fixed) and offers the service regeneration / treatment of the used carbon.

For the treatment of water and liquids, granular activated carbon is normally used. For the calculation and the prediction of this pressure drop, use the pressure drop graph (on request). The pressure drop depends on the mesh-size of the granular carbon and the design of the filter itself.

Précautions à prendre :

  • Le charbon actif consomme de l'oxygène; attention à bien ventiler les locaux pour une utilisation en intérieur
    (Wet activated carbon removes oxygen from air causing a severe hazard to workers inside carbon vessels and enclosed or confined spaces. Before entering such an area, sampling and work procedures for low oxygen levels should be taken to ensure ample oxygen availability, observing all local, state, and federal regulations).
  • Possibilités de réaction exothermiques avec certains matériaux et composés organiques. En cas de température élevée, ne pas hésiter à arroser.

GEDO France
565 avenue du Prado, F-13008 MARSEILLE - FRANCE
TVA intracommunautaire : FR09494021678
SASU au capital de 30 000 Euros - TTEL : +33 (0)4 85 88 02 75
Mise à jour 27.12.2024